Whether is your abuela's house, a store, a community space, a park, or the backyard of your childhood home, places are important for us.
My favorite place was the original Museo del Niño in Old San Juan (not the one in Carolina today). It was located at the heart of Calle Cristo in Old San Juan and the coolest place to hang out. You could see inside a human heart, play around on El Mercado (a playground of a grocery store, bank, beauty salon) or at the art shop (my favorite area). Unfortunately, this place is not there anymore; only the structure is. But I like to think this amazing space inspired the Museo del Niño that is in Carolina, Puerto Rico today.
Share your favorite for us! What is your favorite place growing up? Is it still there? How is it now vs then?
Psst! You can also check The Abuelas Project 😉 if there's a place or a story you want to share with the world!
To continue the museum trend, my family and I loved visiting the Tallahassee Museum. Locals know it as the Junior Museum, because it was founded by the Tallahassee Junior League, but it was renamed in 2005. My family was always a bit more literal and called it the "Little Zoo" since it was you know, a little zoo. The native Florida animals they feature are often rehabilitated from a past injury and would not survive in the wild. It's a great place for children to run and learn about the environment!