La Plaza Forum Rules:
Respect and Tolerance: Treat all members with respect. No personal attacks, insults, or inflammatory remarks. Use polite language. No hate speech or discriminatory comments.
No Spam or Solicitation: Posts that do not contribute meaningful content and are unrelated to the topic will be deleted. Stay on topic and avoid derailing discussions.
Privacy Protection: Do not share personal information about yourself or others. Respect everyone’s privacy.
Prohibited Content: No adult content, including explicit images or descriptions. No malicious links, plagiarism, or unauthorized advertisements.
Account Integrity: Each user is allowed only one account. Do not share your account with others.
No Harassment: No harassment or unwanted advances to another member either on open forum or by private message.
No Impersonation: Do not claim to be an admin, moderator, or other staff member when you are not.
No Illegal Activities: No discussions or promotions of illegal activities, including hacking or pirated software.
No Politics: Discussions or promotions related to politics are strictly forbidden.
Copyright Compliance: Respect copyright laws. Do not post or share content that you do not own or have permission to use.
Constructive Criticism: Provide constructive feedback and avoid negative or destructive comments.
Clear Communication: Use clear and descriptive titles for new threads. Avoid duplicate threads.
No Thread Bumping: Do not append meaningless posts to bring a thread to the top or create duplicates of threads to garner attention.
Moderation Compliance: Follow the instructions of moderators and admins. Repeated violations may result in warnings or bans.